My article “5-Phase Framework for a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Journey” provides a 20,000-foot view of a basic framework or roadmap for starting a DEI journey. Before diving deeper into each phase, let’s touch base on the what of diversity and by that I mean the dimensions of diversity.
When speaking of diversity, what’s top of mind to many? Race, gender, and age. That’s the tip of the iceberg. Add the dimensions in the graphic below and your perspective on diversity broadens considerably. What I appreciate about this pictorial view is that it:
- highlights many dimensions of diversity (or aspects of social identity),
- organizes the many dimensions: personality, internal, external, organizational, and
- brings home the complexity of the layers of diversity that reside in each one of us.

Every individual is a mix of many dimensions of diversity and experiences. The range of possibilities is nearly infinite. Test it yourself. For each dimension on the graphic, jot down your specifics. I challenge you to identify someone you know who has that same mix. Tough to do, right?
To quote Trish Foster, lead author of Intersectionality in the Workplace: Broadening the Lens of Inclusion, “By taking a broader approach to how we view others, we’re less likely to stereotype people or consider them as token representatives of a particular group. And we’re more likely to view co-workers as equal partners who deserve our respect.”
How amazing would it be if everyone could bring their whole selves to work? We’d no longer be pigeonholed based on a few observable dimensions of diversity. We’d no longer limit ourselves to our “work personas”. We’d eagerly and authentically engage and contribute in ways that are appreciated, respected, expected, and make an impact.
Therein lies the vision, importance, and power of doing good work in diversity, equity, and inclusion. It will take time, education, challenging conversations, a welcoming climate of receptivity, and be well worth the effort!
Stay tuned for my next article! Would love to learn what you’d like to hear about next so let’s connect: https://talentmagnetseries.com/lets-connect/
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